Local Resources
I am continually updating this page when I have spare time and new information. Some categories are linked but many are not yet. Please let me know if you have anything that should be added or changed!
As a new mom myself, I have spent a lot of time looking for local resources! I thought it would be great to have an easy to find list right here for all things baby within about an hour of Warwick.
Many of these have compiled for my students and doula clients, but I am happy to share them with you!
If you would like your business listed, please email krista@frombumptobaby.com
Please note: This is simply a Hudson Valley/local pregnancy and parenthood directory. This is not an direct endorsement for any business unless specifically mentioned.





Baby & Me Classes
Description: BumbleSong Music Together! We will come together to sing, play, laugh, and learn with the Bongos Song Collection. We can’t wait to make Music Together® with your family!
Ages: Birth - 5 Years Olds
Cost: Starts at $187/semester
Dates: Vernon, NJ Offerings: Tuesday 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 am, Wednesday 4:45 pm, Saturday 3:30 pm
Warwick, NY Offerings: Wednesday 12:30 pm & Thursday 3:30 & 4:30 pm, Sunday 3:30 pm
Website: http://www.bumblesong.com/
Description: Parent / Child Classes!
Where: Kids Club House, Pine Island, NY
Ages: 10 months - 20 months
Cost: $192 for 3 month session
Dates: Monday 9:35 10-20 months $192 for 3 months session
Wednesday 9:35-9:30 20-30 $204
10:40-11:35 2 yrs+
Website: http://www.kidsclubhouse.biz/
Description: Parent / Child Classes!
Where: Sugar Loaf United Methodist Church
Ages: 2 year olds with parent/caregiver
Cost: 10 week sessions, call for more information
Dates: Tuesdays 9;45am - 11am
Website: sugarloafumcny.com
Description: Baby & Me Dance Classes,
Dance, sing and tumble in this awesome new clcass for 1-3 yr old girls and boys! Fun themes for each month, learn, bond and make new friends at New York Performing Arts Center in Washingtonville, NY!
Ages; 1 - 3 years
Cost: $40/month
Dates: Classes start in November on Wednesdays from 4:15pm-5pm
Website: http://www.nypacwashingtonville.com/
Call to register: 845-597-629
Description: Mommy & Me Dance: This 45-minute class is designed as movement exploration for children ages 12-23 or 24-36 months to complete with their moms, dads or guardians. The use of props, mats, and sing-along songs allows each adult to help her child develop motor and coordination skills in a fun, structured environment.
Where: Warwick Center for The Performing Arts
Ages: 1 & 2 years
Cost: $45/month
Dates: Monday 9:30-10:15am
Description: Our Mommy and Me class is a 4 week session and is taught by a teacher certified in early childhood development. It includes circle time, art projects, stories, music, large motor movement and much more!
Where: Goshen Christian School
Ages: 20 months - 36 months
Cost: $40 for 4 weeks
Dates: Wednesdays 10:30am-12pm
Description: Parent / Child Yoga in Monroe, NY
Where: The Children's School of Yoga, Monroe, NY 10950
Ages: 18 months - 5 years
Cost: $216 for 12 week session, $108 for 6 week session
Dates: Monday 10-10:45am
Friday 11-11:45
Description: Parent / Child Yoga
Where: Happy Buddha Yoga, Goshen, NY 10924
Ages: 6 months - 2 years also 1 month- 6 months
Cost: $15 per duo
Dates: Tuesdays 11:15am - 12pm
Friday 11-11:45, Thursday from 1-6 months
Description: Drop In & Play. . Our toddler drop-in & play is full of fun with all types of balls, ride on toys, parachutes, slides, scooters, tunnels, & lots of open space for running!
Where: Capelli Sports, Florida, NY
Ages: Toddlers
Cost: $10 per caregiver - Call First
Dates: Tuesday - Friday, 11am - 3pm
Website: http://orange.capellisportcenter.com/sports-programs/drop-play

Description: Home birth and hospital births with River & Mountain Midwives.
Location: Offices in Newburgh, Kingston, New Paltz & Poughkeepsie
Hospital Affliation: HealthAlliance Hospital in Kingston, NY
Website: http://www.riverandmountain.net/
Breastfeeding Support
Description: Free Local Support Group for all Breastfeeding Moms and their babies! Weighted feeds available, LC available for questions and/or concerns. Large group of Super Amazing Moms and their little Nurslings. Young siblings always welcome. Coffee and snacks served. Comfortable and Casual way to get and share Breastfeeding advice and experience..
Dates: Canceled as of July 2018
Location: Warwick Valley Church of the Nazarene
601 State Route 94 N
Warwick, New York 10990
Hosted By: Amy Fotino, IBCLC, Lactology
Description: West Milford Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Support
Dates: August 9 & 23 10:30a-11:30a
Location: Highlands Family Success Center
1546 Union Valley Rd
West Milford, NJ
Hosted By: Zoe Mokofske, Lactation Counselor & Doula
Website: highlandsfsc@gmail.com
Postpartum Fitness

Description: New moms- come join our Mama Moves class atSanter Fitness! You do not have to be a Santer member to come. $10 per class, first session is October 7, 11:30 am -12:15 pm. Wear comfy clothes, and bring your baby in your carrier. Discounted registration $35 for 4 classes via the Eventbrite link.
Dates: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
Location: Santer Fitness
3 Locust ST
Washhingtonville, NY
Hosted By: Stephanie Sosnowski
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mama-moves-october-2017-tickets-37254161199?aff=erelexpmlt
When I was pregnant, I spent a lot of time searching for the best guidance on what to eat to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Then, once my baby started growing, I started searching for foods to introduce to baby, how to know when baby was ready for solids and more. I found all this information and more through the guides on Oh Baby Nutrition and wanted to share them with you! I am pleased to offer you a 10% discount on any of the Oh Baby Nutrition guides below!
Promotion code to save 10%: BUMPTOBABY10
Postpartum Doulas
Holly Payla
Certification: Birth Arts International
Phone: 845-545-7392
Email: hollysherbs@yahoo.com
Location: Florida, NY
Chrissy Thompson
Phone: 707-396-1599
Wawick, NY
Phone: 914-255-6255,
Blooming Grove, NY
Zoë Makofske
Email: talkingheartwoman@gmail.com
Phone: 551-206-3119
West Milford, NJ
Amy Sibilla
Reach out to Krista for contact info.
Women's Shelters
Abused women shelters and support groups
Rockland Family Shelter, 9 Johnsons Lane New City, NY – 10956 (845) 634-3391. http://www.centerforsafetyandchange.org/
Domestic violence support groups — Meet weekly for a nine-week program. For women affected by domestic violence. Call 888-503-HOPE.
Addiction Support
Halfway Home for Women, 47 Main St Franklin, NJ – 07416 (973) 827-5489
DrugRehab.com, a free online resource that provides information about substance abuse, mental health, and related issues.
Hudson Valley Fertility
Fishkill & Somers, NY
Diamond Institute,
30 Hatfield Lane Suite 207, Goshen, NY
Positive Life Acupuncture, Warwick, NY. 17 Main Street, Warwick, NY, United States +1.3476687175 http://www.positivelifeacupuncture.com/ Nicole has successfully treated many women for Fertility, Prenatal Acupuncture, Post Partum, is certified in Prenatal Yoga and is a DONA trained Doula.
Blue Stone Acupuncture, 44 West Street, Warwick, New York 10990, (845) 986.7860 Fertility http://www.bluestoneacupuncture.com/Acupuncture.html
Sage Living Acupuncture, Goshen, NY 914-438-3371, http://www.sagelivingacupuncture.com/ Fertility
Chiropractors, Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioners
Chiropractor: Dr. Lora Tanis, Hewitt NJ 973-728-1188 http://www.westmilfordpediatricchiropractor.com/
Massage Therapist, Reiki, Massage Warwick, INC. Tiffany Potempa. 63 Waterbury Rd Warwick NY 10990 (845) 544-2472
Fertility, Infant Massage, Prenatal and Postnatal Massage: Massage Therapy Healing Center, The Clocktower building in Warwick, NY. (845) 527-1198 http://www.mthc.massagetherapy.com/
Sexual Abuse/Incest Support Groups
Incest/sexual abuse support groups
Survivors of Sexual Trauma Educational Group — An educational support group for women 18 and older who are survivors of incest. Call Kathy Somerville, 845-342-2400, ext. 250.
Rape Crisis- Mental Health Association in Orange County Inc. Middletown, NY 10940
Center for Safety and Change New City, NY 10956
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Intervention Services Newton, NJ 07860
Passaic County Women’s Center Paterson, NJ 07543
Safe Haven of Pike County, Inc. Milford, PA 18337
New Parent Support Groups
New Mothers/Fathers/Parents groups
Parenting sessions — 10 a.m.-noon Tues., The First Presbyterian Church, 60 Sussex St., Sessions are only for Individuals with a developmental disability. Call Linda, 794-4228 ext. 305.
Family Central out of Albert Wisner Library, Warwick, NY offers an array of new parent meetings based on age groups and topics of interest. https://familycentralny.wordpress.com/
Parents of children with Asperger's syndrome — 7 p.m. second Tues., Mental Health Association, 73 County Highway 108, Middletown. Call 342-2400, ext. 253 or 254.
Parents of children with autism/PDD — 7:30 p.m. first Tues., Mental Health Association, 73 County Highway 108, Middletown. Call 342-2400, ext. 253 or 254.
Parents of teens/adults with autism spectrum disorders — 7 p.m. third Tues., Mental Health Association, 73 County Highway 108, Middletown. Call 342-2400, ext. 253 or 254.
Postpartum support group — 11 a.m. Mon., Source for Healing Arts, 14 West St., Warwick. No out-of-pocket fee. Most insurances accepted. Call 986-0707.
Baby Boutiques
Warwick, NY:
Newhards (baby toys, clothes, teething necklaces)
39 Main St
Warwick, NY 10990
Kiddie Korner
4 West St
Warwick, NY 10990
Wayne, NJ
Wrap Me Tender (baby wearing full of wraps and classes)
18 Boonton Ave,
Butler, NJ 07405
Goshen, NY
Boutique by local mom with graphic tees, caps, accessories and kid's clothes
Beacon, NY
Waddle N Swaddle (cloth diapers, toys, cloths, more)
484 Main St,
Beacon, NY 12508
New Paltz, NY
New Baby New Paltz (cloth diapers, toys, cloths, more)
264 Main St,
New Paltz, NY 12561